Sunday, December 15, 2013

class this week ( insert awesome title here)

1. I learned about the x, y, and z values of polygons and stuff.

2. I'd like to learn how to not make flash crash every freaking thirteen seconds...

3. Seriously, flash really frustrated me, every single time I tried to move my armature, it crashed.

4.I'm happy that I was able to get something done on Friday.

This is a cool video of 24 short animations all done in 24 hours.

response to future of filmmaking article

What I Learned

1. Web series` are the future of televised programs, replacing the good old television.
2. One has more freedom in making internet videos than television.
3. The quality of programming matters more to the audience than what it is shown on.

My Opinions

1. I feel that this may be true, nowadays people have internet on their phones, computers, tablets, and even glasses! Where as their television is sitting in their living room at home.
2. I don't care if people start watching internet videos more, as long as tv keeps existing.

  • Well television be COMPLETELY replaced by the internet one day?

response to FrankenWeenie article

What I learned

1. It's easier for an autistic child to focus on a movie in a theater, due to lack of distractions and low lighting.
2. Autistic children struggle with communication and social interaction.
3. Apparently not all autistics lack imaginary capacity.

My Opinions

1. This is a cute story.
2. My young cousin is autistic and he has trouble with learning and is distracted by everything, so I can relate to this story.

Is this just a rare case? Or do most autistic kids respond this well to movies?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Class this week (aka animated short, long process)

1. I learned how to use the bone tool better! Only one problem, it still hates me with a fiery passion.

2. I'd like to learn to work faster without making the quality of my work suffer.

3. I was frustrated only by the fact that I'm running out of time, with little to show for it.

4. I'm happy with the story of my short, I just want to be able to animate it.

this is a video to help people with the bone tool, God knows I could use more help with it.

10 common elements article response

What I Learned

1. Don't change something so drastically that it no longer makes sense.
2. Have a strong opening with a statement of theme.
3. Show your audience either something about the world that they didn't know, or something that they can use in their lives.

My Opinions

1. The article makes sense, and the tips are accurate.
2. One should find these very helpful when it comes to film making.

Would giving heroes that hard to find second problem really make a movie great?

response to 5 things to learn about editing article

What I Learned

1. One must keep a good attitude,have a  sense of humor, and be sociable with others.
2. At times re-writing and cutting out pieces of the story is best.
3. Do what the director tells you, then you can pitch in your own ideas.

My Opinions

1. These tips make perfect sense, and I'm sure they'll be helpful later on.
2. I feel like re-writing everything would be horrible.

If you are strapped for time is it a better idea to re-write what you already have, or keep it and work with it?